The nightmare of the Northern League colonels: ending up with Renzi's PD

The fear of various 'big names' in the League, writes the AGI agency, is that what is called the 'restoration front' may prevail, that 'Renzian' scenarios may arise in the coming months, when the Democratic Party from 40% then began the descent in consensus. 

The voting window will actually close next week in the fall. It is true that the League has received the yes to the realization of the Tav and that there have been signs - so said the secretary of the party in via Bellerio - of a change. But in these hours, League parliamentary sources explain, the last pressing on Salvini is underway to decide to go to the early elections. 

“Let's monetize the consensus now, otherwise there is a risk of attrition”, is the thesis of the 'pro-vote party' which has once again made itself felt among the former Lumbards.

For example, they say that the Undersecretary to the Prime Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti has "climbed on a sort of Aventino", who continues to consider "the early voting option as the only valid option on the field". 

And so are the governors of the North who are not satisfied with how the negotiations on autonomy are going. But now the target is no longer just the five-star wing that feeds growing malaise in the alliance with the League. The focus is on what many in the League call 'the axis of the system'. 

Composed, to hear so many deputies and senators, by the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, by the ministers Tria and Moavero and by those who hypothesize executive of an institutional nature in case of interruption of the legislature. 

The signal arrived yesterday in Montecitorio, with 17 M5s deputies - and the absence of the President of the Chamber Fico - who did not vote for the bis security law could be repeated in the Senate, even if the group leaders of M5s and Lega are working to mine the land and to allow - difficult but not excluded the decision not to lock the text - the definitive approval of the provision also at Palazzo Madama. 

How long will he be able to keep his people who want to go to elections? "Until things get done and until someone stops arguing and insulting every day", Matteo Salvini cut short.

The concern in the League is linked to the maneuver and the fact that this government and this majority do not have the strength to go to an open confrontation with Europe. 

Both due to internal resistance in the executive and to the attitude of Brussels which could not grant Rome the flexibility required to pass a "courageous, important and ambitious" budget law. 

The League has put aside the 'mini-Bots' and also - as explained by several 'bigs' - Siri's ideas on the flat tax. 

But the goal is to launch the tax reform, to arrive at a maneuver of around 40 billion and it is a game - reflect several leaders of the Via Bellerio party - difficult to play. 


The nightmare of the Northern League colonels: ending up with Renzi's PD