Mattarella signs the decree to dissolve the rooms

A note issued by the Quirinale informs that "The President of the Republic, Sergio MATTARELLA, after hearing the Presidents of the two branches of Parliament, pursuant to Article 88 of the Constitution, signed the decree of dissolution of the Senate of the Republic and the House of Deputies, who was countersigned by the President of the Council of Ministers.

The Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic, Ugo Zampetti, visited the Presidents of the Senate of the Republic and the Chamber of Deputies to communicate the provision for the dissolution of the Chambers ". 

The President reached the decision to sign the decree after having received, today, "the President of the Council of Ministers, Paolo Gentiloni", then "the President of the Senate of the Republic, Pietro Grasso, and, subsequently, the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Laura Boldrini ”.

The Council of Ministers, as learned from government sources, subsequently approved the decree to call the election date on March 4, following the dissolution of the Chambers. 

Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni will now bring the decree to the Colle for the counter-signature of the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella.

Mattarella signs the decree to dissolve the rooms