Giorgia Meloni, in the course of an interview with Corriere della Sera, appears determined and firmly points out her consistency with respect to what she promised to her voters during the election campaign: "We have decided that whoever in the coalition obtained the most votes would be indicated by the others as premier. I haven't changed my mind, Salvini has my support. I hope you really want to commit to forming a government ”. The leader of Fratelli d'Italia then added: "We are the first coalition in the country, we have the right and the duty to try to form a government on the basis of some serious programmatic points on which many agree: reduction of taxes , work for young people, help for families, less immigration, more security, defense of the made in Italy, just to name the main ones ". With reference to other possible partners for the constitution of a government outside the center-right alignment of which her political party is a part, Meloni comments as follows: "For me M5S and Pd equal are, often they moved in unison, not I look here or there and find it wrong to make patterns now. The appeal to join a shareable program must be addressed to everyone, let's check on the ground if there are possible agreements on what to do. I ask for linearity: if Salvini is determined to try to form a government, with our support, he cannot then simultaneously claim the presidency of one of the Chambers for his party: it is clear that the League could not have the President of the Senate and the premier , it does not have the parliamentary strength to demand it and a division of roles of this kind is not part of the normal institutional balance either. Unless Salvini accepts, as we have proposed, the candidacy for president of the Senate, from where all the more reason in case of stalemate he would have all the cards to try to form an emergency government ”.
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