Melons: shameful blow of the Gentiloni government. Do not be afraid to give the Italian waters to France

Giorgia Meloni, President of Fratelli d'Italia, launches through his Facebook page a serious accusation against the outgoing government chaired by Gentiloni. The news, which if it were to be grounded would be of unprecedented gravity, would highlight one of the many obscure actions taken by the government against the interests of the country.
“The Gentiloni government is trying with a last ignoble blow of the tail to give France part of our territorial waters and with these some very rich oil fields discovered off the coast of Sardinia. It is the consequence of a crazy treaty signed by Gentiloni in 2015 when he was foreign minister and that the Brothers of Italy had contested even at the time. A meaningless agreement that penalizes Italy and whose reasons are incomprehensible. Gentiloni does not risk this operation and blocks the transfer of our territorial waters before 25 March, as provided for by the Treaty of Caen. Fratelli d'Italia will not discount this operation with its turbid outlines, we ask for the immediate intervention of the President of the Republic Mattarella and we are announcing very hard actions in every location right now. We will not allow Italy to be given away ".
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Melons: shameful blow of the Gentiloni government. Do not be afraid to give the Italian waters to France