On 12 and 13 December next, the EU Council will have to launch the Mes - the European fund for saving States - and in Italy there will be a succession of top and mini-top leaders. Yesterday, the leader of the Movement, Luigi Di Maio asked for a meeting with the representatives of the government parties to negotiate and discuss a probable proposal for the reform of the Mes. A sour note was the absence of Italia Viva that by voice of Matteo Renzi he let us know: "We have nothing to argue about, if they see each other".
At the important meeting there were, instead, the President of the Council, Giuseppe Conte, the Economy Minister Roberto Gualtieri, for the 5S Luigi Di Maio, Patuanelli and Fraccaro, for the Democratic Party the ministers Franceschini and Amendola, for Leu the minister Hope.
After about 5 hours, sources from Palazzo Chigi let it be known that Gualtieri will negotiate Wednesday in Brussels according to the "package logic", that is, the green light for the ESM reform is conditional on the completion of the banking union with the European guarantee on bank deposits. Not only. The final decision on the ESM will be taken "only after Parliament has decided with the resolutions that will be approved on 11 December after Conte's communications on the next European Council".
Today the premier in the Chamber in the Chamber, at 13.00, will have only one goal, attacking the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini, who will not be present at the debate as senator. In the Senate Giuseppe Conte will present himself at the 15.30 and there they will see, indeed they will feel good.
Salvini did not let go and yesterday did not skimp on statements: "I'm curious if Conte understood and betrayed or simply didn't understand what he was doing".
Giuseppe Conte, lapidary said: "In Parliament we will begin to wipe out all the crap that has been said".
Yesterday, writes Corriere della Sera, the words of Pierluigi Castagnetti, politician close to the moods of the Quirinale: "It is objectively increasingly difficult to continue to govern in this way, with the M5S calling into question everything, every day".
Giorgia Meloni intercepted in Bologna by La Verità said: "I wait for the prime minister to come and deny the minister of the economy, otherwise he will have to explain why he has sold out the interests of Italians and in exchange for what. I will be very clear in this House on this and I expect equally clear answers".
Very interesting is the entire interview made by La Verità to the leader of the Brothers of Italy, that the latest polls in hand, his party would have exceeded 10 percent of approval.
Paolo Gentiloni says that there are no risks on the state-saving fund. Do you trust me?
“Gentiloni is not my point of reference on the issue of the interests of Italians”.
The government will fall on Month?
"It should, in the sense that if Luigi Di Maio has a modicum of dignity this is the moment in which he must prove it. Enough proclamations, the numbers in Parliament have them, if you don't want the Month, as he says, withdraw MSS support for the government. Stop being clowns, just say one thing and do another. If Di Maio wants to be consistent, he has a great opportunity to demonstrate dignity".
Mouthing on Month Isn't Italy in danger of being cut off from Europe?
"No. We are one of the founding countries, the first net contributor in relation to the Pii, without us the EU does not exist, everyone knows it. We must ask that our interests be respected. When our banks defaulted, we saved them with Italian money. Now I have to explain why if German banks default, they always have to pay the Italians. If the European Union made a policy that went against non-performing loans and not against derivatives, it was precisely to favor German banks. There is a design for which someone is a top European and someone from a B league. We want to be top class and we expect a government to say this.".
What does your counter-movement foresee?
"The budget law of the Giallorossi government is all deficit and new taxes, with a state that shakes the handcuffs. It is the opposite of what is needed, namely lowering taxes, putting money spent on deficits on investment and giving business freedom, We have presented over the 500 amendments to the Senate not to obstruct, but to design a maneuver made of growth, work and freedom".
What will you ask the Prime Minister who will report on today Month?
"Not to underwrite the reform, because it would transform the state-saving fund into a fund to save German banks. Debt restructuring puts Italian banks at risk of default, which would pay current account holders. The Germans would thus be able to repay the Italian debt with the savings of the Italians".
Do you also want to abolish citizenship income?
"Citizenship income did not even produce a job, at most it kept people in their difficult situation. Every day we read about criminals and scammers perceiving it, and now they're expanding it to include more immigrants. A just state must provide assistance to those who cannot work, while for others the only way to fight poverty is to allow companies to hire".
You also ask for a deposit of 30.000 to be paid to non-EU citizens who open a business
“We see Chinese companies proliferating and we wondered if these people are better than the Italians who continue to close. The answer is no. Many know that foreigners open and close companies before the state begins to carry out checks and therefore without paying a euro in taxes, after which they disappear because being non-EU citizens they are much more difficult to find. It is estimated that in Prato alone the evasion of Chinese companies is over a billion a year. We have made a proposal that exists in other European countries: if you are a non-EU citizen and you want to open a business, you can do it but you have to pay a deposit of 30.000 euros which I will then slowly deduct from your taxes. Let's see if, all things being equal, non-EU citizens will continue to open while Italians close "
Will you return to the vote?
"Sooner or later democracy arrives. I think it will come first and it will be relentless".