FAQs containing various clarifications and details on the call for tender dedicated to research projects for organic agriculture have been published on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry (https://www.politicheagricole.it/flex/cm/pages/ Serve BLOB.php / L / IT / PageID / 16433). Within 45 days of publication in the Official Gazette, which took place on January 7th, Universities and Public Bodies must submit their projects. There are 4,2 million euros available, with a coverage of up to 90% of the expenditure admitted to financing, up to a maximum of 300 thousand euros per project.

"Research projects must aim at the consolidation and development of the sector and, through the mandatory involvement from the first moment of at least one organic farm, have a concrete application of the results on production realities - declares the Undersecretary for Agricultural Policies, Giuseppe L 'Abbate - The goal, in fact, is to innovate and allow our companies to create added value. The Ministry is available for clarifications and explanations functional to participation in the tender ".

There are eight research topics on which projects that must last no longer than 36 months can be focused: genetic improvement, reduction of external inputs, product transformation, horticulture, medicinal and aromatic plants, agroecology, mechanization, sustainable development of the territory and environmental, forest and landscape protection.

Italy is among the leading countries in Europe for organic farming with a dedicated extension of 2 million hectares, equal to over 15% of the national surface.

MIPAAF, call for applications for organic research: faqs published