Mipaaf. Patuanelli signs the decrees for 83 million euros of compensation to companies for natural disasters

After the opinion expressed by the State-Regions Conference, Minister Stefano Patuanelli signed the two decrees relating to the distribution of compensatory interventions for damage from natural disasters and adverse climatic events to agricultural entrepreneurs in the field of production, company structures, infrastructures and of reclamation works.

Withdrawals from the National Solidarity Fund referred to in Legislative Decree no. 102/2004 amount to 70 million euros for the years 2019-2021 and 13 million euros for the year 2021, also thanks to the additional sums allocated to the Fund by the 2021 Budget Law.

The first decree relating to 70 million euros for the years from 2019 to 2021 is intended significantly for companies in Emilia-Romagna, followed by those in Piedmont, Lombardy and Puglia, while the second covers the damage suffered in particularly from the companies of Lombardy, Piedmont, Veneto and Sardinia.

The decrees approve the distribution of the sums between the Regions that will subsequently provide for the disbursement in relation to the needs ascertained at the conclusion of the investigation of the requests for expenditure and taking into account the priority needs in the disbursement of aid.

Mipaaf. Patuanelli signs the decrees for 83 million euros of compensation to companies for natural disasters