MiPAAF, Patuanelli: "In the Official Decree Agrisolare of 1,5 billion"

"With the publication in the Official Gazette of the Agrisolare decree we can finally begin to work to support investments for the construction of photovoltaic systems on the roofs of stables and sheds of farms, which in this particular moment we are facing, can help reduce costs. and encourage the implementation of renewable energies for increasingly competitive and up-to-date supply chains. 1,5 billion euros from PNRR funds available to the agricultural, livestock and agro-industrial sectors. A very important measure that allows companies to contribute to the green transition and increase the sustainability, resilience and energy efficiency of the sector. An important step has been taken. We are now continuing to work in Europe to overcome the element of self-consumption and allow companies to increase their production capacity from renewable sources". Thus the Minister of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies Stefano Patuanelli.

Here the decree published in the Official Gazette

MiPAAF, Patuanelli: "In the Official Decree Agrisolare of 1,5 billion"