The awaited decree on the indicative reference costs of the freight transport activity was published today on the website of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport.

The publication takes place at the end of a story that saw the decisive contribution of the Constitutional Court and the Antitrust Authority, with the involvement of the stakeholders and which led to a survey of the reference values ​​of the operating costs that defines a system of ranges as broad as possible, avoiding the identification of detailed values ​​for each individual average cost item, instead aggregating the individual homogeneous cost items.

The road haulage sector has been waiting for a long time for a new plan of indicative values, on which MIT has committed itself with a complex procedure that has brought the desired results.

The methodological approach used distinguishes four classes of vehicles with reference to the maximum total mass of each vehicle (up to 3,5 tons, over 3,5 and up to 12 tons, over 12 and up to 26 tons, over 26 tons) and identifies four cost items to be associated with the minimum-maximum value ranges, distributed over 3 sections.

Furthermore, with regard to vehicles with a total mass up to 3,5 tons, mostly used in last mile transport in urban areas and with a distance of less than 100 km, despite the reference costs being valued, the remuneration of the service given the peculiarity of the same, it could be referred to the time factor.

The decree also reiterates the non-binding nature of the operating cost values ​​and in any case reserves the right, where necessary, to proceed with any updates of the cost values.

MIT. The decree on the indicative reference costs for road transport activities has been published

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