Nadia Toffa has flown into the sky

Nadia Toffa has flown into the sky. From the Facebook page of hyenas the greeting of colleagues and friends of the presenter Mediaset who fought the effects of the long illness as a "hyena".

"And maybe now someone might think you lost, but those who lived like you, NEVER LOSE.
You fought head-on, with a smile, with dignity and unleashing all your strength, until the end, until today.
On the other hand, you've always struggled in life.
You fought even when you came to us, and maybe that's why you won us over right away. It was love at first sight with you, Toffa. It was so easy to like each other, it was inevitable to fall in love, and that's why it's so hard to leave.
Destiny, karma, fate, bad luck decided to hit you, OUR Toffa, the toughest of all, while someone did not believe in your struggle, we remained silent and you smiled.

You managed to forgive everyone, even fate, and perhaps even the monster you fought relentlessly against ... cancer, which until recently everyone timidly called "The incurable disease" and which, also thanks to your battle, now has a proper name.
"You shouldn't be ashamed to look him in the face and call him the bastard by name, - you said - who might get scared if you look him straight in the eye".

And since you were able to forgive the unforgivable, dear Nadia, we can only hope with all our heart that you were able to forgive us too, that we were not able to help you as much as we wanted.
And here are the hyenas that mourn their sweet warrior, helpless before all the pain and the knowledge that only your smile, Nadia, could console us, only your energy and your strength could make us go back to being the same as always.
Nothing will be the same as before for us.


Nadia Toffa has flown into the sky

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