OECD PISA, Valditara: “Necessary technical-professional education reform. Bridging the North-South gap”

“The data from the international OECD PISA survey confirm the need for the reform of technical-professional education which has among its objectives the strengthening of students' skills in the basic disciplines”. Thus the Minister of Education and Merit, Giuseppe Valditara, commenting on the data from the 2022 OECD PISA edition. “The ministerial guidelines on teaching STEM disciplines are going in the right direction. The important investments in terms of Pnrr resources for STEM teaching will also contribute to reducing gender gaps. With Agenda Sud”, continues Valditara, “we are setting out to fill an intolerable gap in educational results between the North and South of the country”.  

The research also indicates a general decline in learning at an international level. “On this front”, highlights Valditara, “we believe that the greater personalization of the courses, which we have launched with the tutor teacher, can give a concrete response to the training needs of young people”.

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OECD PISA, Valditara: “Necessary technical-professional education reform. Bridging the North-South gap”