Operation "Jannah" of the State Police. Stop two radicalized subjects found in possession of material in praise of Isis

The State Police of Palermo, today morning, implemented the Fermo decree of crime suspect, ordered by the Public Prosecutor at the Court of Palermo - Department for crimes relating to terrorism, against a year-old Palermo 24 currently domiciled in the Municipality of Bernareggio (MB) and of an 18-year-old Moroccan citizen, residing in Cerano (No), responsible in various capacities for crimes relating to terrorism.

The investigators who carried out the investigators of the Antiterrorism Section of the Digos of Palermo were able to carry out the investigations that allowed to ascertain the responsibilities of the two subjects.

The Italian, converted to Islam, is seriously suspected of crimes of instigation to commit crimes pursuant to art. 414 in relation to art. 270 sexies cp, for having made itself responsible for having publicly apologized for multiple crimes in the field of terrorism, sharing material of an extremist-jihadist nature and maintaining contacts with subjects, Italian and otherwise, converted to the Islamic faith known for their level of radicalization.

These conducts were carried out through the most well-known social networks, sharing propaganda material of jihadist extremism and above all of the Islamic State (Daesh) both of documentary type (infographics, instructions, maps, banners, texts of extremist speeches bearing the symbol of ISIS , and more) and video-photographic (scenes and songs of war, images of guerrillas, videos of explosions and fights, and more); material which he obtained both online and by receiving it from subjects close to Islamic extremism, residing throughout the national territory, some of whom were proponents of the Salafi ideology and of the violent imposition of the Sharia rules in the Western world and in Italy in particular . His arrest was carried out in the province of Monza Brianza by the agents of the Palermo Digos with the help of colleagues from the same office of the police headquarters of that capital.

The suspect started his own radicalization process, already in the year 2017, beginning to attend an Islamic place of worship in the province of Palermo. Subsequently, after having obtained the qualification to operate heavy vehicles, he moved for work reasons, in the areas of Northern Italy, where he increased his level of radicalization, assiduously attending places of worship in the province of Monza-Brianza and intensifying friendship relations with the Moroccan citizen and other Italian subjects converted to the Islamic faith, as well as with foreign citizens who carry out activities that highlight forms of worrying extremism.

The Moroccan citizen is held responsible for the crimes of instigation to commit a crime pursuant to art. 302 of the Criminal Code, for having instigated the young man from Palermo to commit crimes against the international and internal personality of the State and, in particular, the crimes of international terrorism referred to in Articles 270-bis ss. cp, by sending him propaganda material from the Islamic State through computer and telematic tools, information relating to the fighting in progress in Syria, war songs, propaganda and fighting videos, banners and images of wars, and repeatedly inviting him to train to go to fight in the territories occupied by the Islamic State.

His Fermo was carried out in the province of Novara by the agents of the Palermo Digos, with the help of colleagues from the counterpart of the Police Headquarters of that capital.

Moreover, today's investigators have been charged with the crimes of training in terrorist activities, including international ones, pursuant to art. 270 quinquies of the Criminal Code, in relation to art. 270 sexies cp, for having trained, both in competition with each other and separately, for the performance of acts of a terrorist nature, having acquired, even autonomously, instructions for the performance of acts of violence or sabotage of essential public services, even directed against a foreign state, and in particular by training in the use of weapons, training to reach a suitable physical and military preparation to fight alongside the ISIS militants in Syria or in other places, acquiring video material containing instructions for participating in such fighting also through the study of guerrilla techniques and material related to martyrdom actions with the techniques of the kamikazes they are inspired by; all behaviors uniquely aimed at the commission of conduct with terrorist purposes pursuant to art. 270 sexies of the Italian Criminal Code, aimed at causing serious damage to several countries, both Middle Eastern and European, and carried out in order to intimidate the population or destabilize or destroy the fundamental political, constitutional, economic and social structures of these States.

As part of this activity, various home searches were also carried out, arranged by the Public Prosecutor of Palermo, against today's suspects and other subjects, in order to search for propaganda material of subversive actions and / or subversive.

Operation "Jannah" of the State Police. Stop two radicalized subjects found in possession of material in praise of Isis