Family businesses, here's the school to become good managers

(Vincenzo Cimini) A school to become good managers to successfully continue the family tradition. It is called "Family business management" and is the new training course launched by the Luiss Business School: its purpose is to train new professionals capable of meeting the demands of entrepreneurial leadership that comes above all from the digital sector: economics, human management and work will be the key themes of the study course conceived by Fabio Corsico which is aimed at those young people who care about the family business and feel ready to accept the challenge of the generational change.

Trained figures who can contribute to Italy's industrial innovation. These are mostly young people belonging to families of entrepreneurs for numerous generations (even five) who after months in which they have already had the opportunity to interact with experts in business management and business strategy have decided to enrich their cultural and entrepreneurial background . The theme of the family business will be addressed in a widespread manner during the Luiss course as confirmed by Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, president of the board of directors of Intesa Sanpaolo, advisory board of the "Family Business management" project of the Business School, and by Lorenzo Pellicioli , CEO of De Agostini and president of DeA. This academic novelty "will train all those interested in making our country's economy grow". From this perspective, the family is seen as a "strength" in the face of any type of adversity. "Family businesses represent a significant component of the Italian industrial system - reads the presentation of the course [1] - since more than 60% of listed companies and over 50% of those with more than 50 million euros of The situation is no different in other developed economies and in emerging economies, for example from South America to China, where family capitalism is widespread. In fact, family businesses possess specific distinctive characteristics including a medium-long term driving perspective, the link with the territory and the presence of not exclusively economic objectives that allow them to generate unique competitive advantages ".

Family businesses, here's the school to become good managers