Information died with "the gradual elimination of contributions to publishing". There is a way out, "Let's federate"

(by Massimiliano D'Elia) The “gradual elimination of contributions to publishing” was included in the financial maneuver. The measure aims to cut the already meager funds allocated to the sector, which are in themselves difficult to obtain due to the numerous bureaucratic quibbles that exist. Only historical newspapers manage to use them. The smallest ones and especially the digital ones are unable to draw on these funds because they cannot anticipate the money which is then restored after a year,… maybe !. But, as mentioned, not everyone can apply for these funds. 


Cooperatives of journalists are privileged in this specific case. A corporate structure difficult to establish whose possible profits cannot be divided into "toto". At this point, probably, eliminating contributions to publishing is only the last step on an already marked road. So how can a newspaper go on? The only way is to arm yourself with a lot of passion because only that gives you the strength to go on. Being a journalist today is no longer as profitable and coveted as it once was. Many colleagues approached the profession only out of passion. Every day we wake up looking for a collaboration, hiring has become a dream. 

In Italy we are still in a transition phase where  it was not realized that the "printed paper" is over. The sales numbers say it, in progressive and sharp decline day after day. On the other side of the coin there is digital printing, still young in Italy and not yet digested by publishers. Companies that want to advertise their "brand" seem to be still anchored to old patterns. Buy whole pages of paper newspapers. They hardly dedicate resources to advertising in on-line newspapers. The result? The pollution of the "online" newspapers of randomized advertising spaces of Google or other small advertising agencies. The earnings deriving from such advertisements are very modest and do not allow you to carry on an entrepreneurial editorial idea.

The solution

The solution could be to make companies foresee, "by law", in their budget, an item of expenditure for information. Funds, then to be automatically allocated to an "IMPARTIAL" Entity to be established (a kind of 8 per thousand). Each paper and / or online newspaper, according to the existing legal requirements and above all according to the traffic produced during the year, would receive “certain” funds and not in a “clientelist” way. A virtuous circle that would give the necessary push to a sector that cannot and must not die like this. To do this, it is necessary to federate and carry out this ambitious project.      

The words of the  Secretary General of the FNSI, Raffaele Lorusso, «The government confirms, in the maneuvering scheme, that it wants to hit information and the right of citizens to be informed. More than a measure to contain spending, it is a war against all free voices and any form of dissent ».

For Lorusso, “anyone who thinks that the big newspapers will be affected are deluded. Non-profit newspapers, non-profit cooperatives and diocesan newspapers will pay for it. Small voices are killed, the pluralism of information, the points of reference for entire communities ».

In the list of publications targeted by the government initiative, newspapers such as Avvenire, Il Manifesto, Roma, Il Messaggero di Sant'Antonio, a myriad of small publications. "If we consider the numbers of the sector and related industries, about ten thousand jobs are put at risk by the blind fury of those who, not from today, have decided to scientifically hit Article 21 of the Constitution and the right of citizens to be get informed. It is one thing to demand the rigorous and transparent use of resources, which the journalists' union has always supported, another is to reset everything ”, urges the Fnsi secretary.

«The conjunction of 5 Stars-League is devastating for information - Lorusso continues -. On the one hand, employment is being destroyed, on the other, settlements of accounts are started especially with those who publish news unwelcome to the government or, more simply, and think of the many Catholic newspapers, who have embraced the line of the Church of Pope Francis on reception policies " .
The hope, concludes the secretary general, "is that Parliament assert its autonomy and choose to safeguard pluralism of information, an irreplaceable pillar of liberal democracy".

Information died with "the gradual elimination of contributions to publishing". There is a way out, "Let's federate"