Waste management in Italy, alternative practices in the face of poor programming

(by Marco Sperandio) Despite the programmatic delay of our country in establishing a steady and continuous flow of waste management, we begin to see examples of alternative practices in our territories that show us that there is a renewed awareness of the problem.

It is the Ministry of the Environment itself through its Directorate General for Waste and Pollution this time to give a signal, making use of the support of the National Register of Environmental Managers and Ecocerved to develop MonitorPiani, a new information monitoring tool and documentation on waste management plans in the various regions of Italy. At the moment there are five administrations participating in the project, Lombardy, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Campania and Calabria.

Marco Botteri of Ecoverd in presenting this project said that the development of this tool has been realized "to allow the National Committee of the Register of Environmental Managers to support the Ministry in the monitoring of waste management plans".

At the base of the MonitorPiani information system there is therefore the census of the objectives and indicators of the current plans, which, after being uploaded to the portal, allow the Entities to access the reserved area, monitor the completeness and the data report, modifying them if there was a need, then bring them to realization and then send them to the verification of the Ministry itself.

The same Botteri explains that as a result of this first phase the Region, annually, goes to manually enter the updated value of each indicator of its specific plan, so that the data can be available to the Ministry that, in turn, can then communicate them to the European Union.

What the Ministry implements in terms of waste, therefore, becomes a real collaborative control, as highlighted by the General Manager Mariano Grillo. "After the findings of the European Commission on many waste management plans, we realized that we need an ongoing relationship with the Regions. There are differences in approach between one Region and another and therefore we felt the need to give unity. The MonitorPiani system, which works and for this reason we are extending to other Regions, is a valuable tool in this sense ", he said.

Marcello Salvagno from the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region is also of the same opinion, according to whom MonitorPianirisulta is a useful tool both for the ministry and for waste management planning by the Regions "

It seems to all effects a step forward by the Ministry in providing support to the Administrations towards a proper management and administration of waste, capable of making the whole flow more orderly and efficient.

What turns out to be a good practice is also provided by the regional Tuscan section of the Environmental Managers Register established at the Chamber of Commerce of Florence, which, in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of the Maremma and Tirreno, organized the 18 last September a seminar on the latest news on Raee, waste electrical and electronic equipment. The initiative is part of the Life: Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) project: trasures to recover!

At the two offices of Cciaa della Maremma and the Tirreno, the seminar revolved around the administrative and technical-managerial requirements, the documentary keeping, the authorizations and registrations for the disposal and collection activities, as well as the roles and responsibility of the different actors involved. At the beginning of the meeting, a series of opportunities were presented for companies, such as the setting up of a real green network among companies to treat the equipment in a correct and convenient manner, the possible achievement of the I Am brand. Green and the visibility of the company online, on the app and social media

It is clear that in order to correctly deal with waste management and its complications, targeted training is needed in all the realities that, with regard to their skills, deal with the topic and contribute to regulating its flow. It is for this reason that meetings, seminars, debates and any kind of information is made on the merits as indispensable tools for a serious and far-sighted planning.

Another good example is provided by the Municipality of Piombino, where the edition of Re-Creation is confirmed this year too. From object to refusal and back, an environmental education project promoted by Sei Toscana and embraced by more than a hundred towns in southern Tuscany. These lessons have involved, in the previous three editions, over 20 thousand young people training them on the right method of separate collection, recycling, and the more general flow of waste throughout the Region

Since we can not yet see on the horizon a farsighted planning able to regulate for each territory a healthy and correct management including administrations, companies and citizenship, these initiatives serve to increase awareness of the problem and to trace a possible way from the territory to provide a example to the whole country.

Waste management in Italy, alternative practices in the face of poor programming