Renzi: “Proud to lead a team of people ready to resign for an idea. Proud, proud, proud "

Matteo Renzi through the page of Iv, answers the questions that are addressed to him in these days by the press, friends and colleagues.

But does it seem appropriate to talk about politics in the midst of all the chaos of the pandemic? 
“Precisely because there is chaos we need the policy. The idea that politics should be put aside in times of trouble is typical of left and right populists. Understanding how our money is spent children, how do you invest on Health, how they are created jobs instead of subsidies it requires politics, not populism. " 

Which ministerial seats do you want / want? 
"None! We are indeed the only ones available to leave the armchairs. If our ideas are needed, we are there. If our ideas don't help, keep your armchairs too. The populists do not understand that there is a party in which two ministers, Teresa and Elena, are ready to resign if our proposals are not heeded. That party, courageous and free, is different from all the others: it is called Italy Viva (if you want to give us a hand, , here the link). The armchairs are used to make things happen, they are not ends in themselves: this is the difference between those who think that the word "power" is a verb and those who think that the word "power" is a noun. " 

But in the end, then, what do you want? It is understandable?
“The papers of the Palace fill the newspapers with totoministers. Good talk just to get the message across that everything is resolved with a shuffle. We have instead put pen to paper i contenthealth costshigh speed,vaccinesschoolculturejobs. But do you realize that in the Recovery Plan for young people and employment, in the next six years, there are fewer resources than those planned for 2021 alone for cash-back? Really the future of the  our young people worth less than the future of a credit card? " 

Matteo, do you have a personal problem with Conte? 
We wish we had a personal problem: we have a political problem with Conte. And I wrote to him , here, while the parliamentarians of Italia Viva wrote to Gualteri , here. On Recovery, on the Month, On 'intelligence, on the school, On 'high speed, on the guarantee, on the international role of Italy   presence in the Mediterranean, on the relationship with the United States, on the work and CBI, on the growthon the institutional style I have argued different ideas. It is not personal, it is called politics. And I put our reflections on paper to prevent them from being replaced by the "narrative" of the spokespersons. The Premier said he will come to Parliament transparently. We await him in the Senate. And if Lady Mastella's leaders support this government in our place, we will not cry scandal but we will respect parliamentary democracy. " 

But what is the priority right now? 
"Right now the priority is vaccines, period. The speed of the vaccine saves lives, as they know in Israel. This is why months ago I asked for a vaccination plan in time, without always and only Commissioner Arcuri, renamed Superman by the government, managing it. When I made this proposal they told me that it was not the time for controversy. But it's not our fault if we say things first and they don't listen to us. Moreover, if there were today a different relationship between the State and the Regions - as we had proposed a few years ago - things would be much simpler and more effective. Vaccination can and must (, here Vito De Filippo and Lella Paita they launched a very just petition, we are almost at 10.000 signatures: the more we sign, the more we put pressure). In Naples, half a century ago, one million people a week were vaccinated against cholera. In Israel they run and vaccinate as hard as they can, even with a resigned government. Why are we slow in Italy? If more resources are needed, there is the Mes. And if we had taken the MES six months ago we would have more vaccinated today. Simple, isn't it? "

Renzi concludes. In light of all this, a simple and polite message: if anyone really imagines that we have done all this fuss to take an extra ministry, that someone has to show up. Possibly from a good one. Thanks.

The Senator of Rignano then spoke of other no less important issues

In a few days Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the United States of America. After Trump's embarrassing phone calls over the past few weeks, I think every citizen - Democrat or Republican, European or American, black or white - is looking forward to the transition and for Biden to be officially in the White House. With Biden in the White House many things will change, even in Europe, I am sure. 

In the wonderful AlUla, a beautiful Saudi archaeological reality that I know well and that will be an incredible tourist destination in the coming years, the Gulf countries mark the end of the embargo with Qatar. It is another important step towards the stability of that area after the recognition between Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. History is being written in that area of ​​the world. And the , which will host the summit of AlUla - in Maraya - is a theater that was also built thanks to the Italian genius. 

From 2021 January XNUMX theAfrica became the largest free trade area in the world. Nobody talks about it but it is news destined to make a lot of noise and is a real first step towards the economic growth of this magical and dramatic continent. 

The message of Renzi's messages: "Fiero to drive one team of people ready to resign for an idea. Proud, proud, proud. " 

Renzi: “Proud to lead a team of people ready to resign for an idea. Proud, proud, proud "