Red shrimp fishing has reopened in the western Mediterranean

The General Directorate of Maritime Fisheries of Masaf has communicated the reopening of the red shrimp fishing.

"Following the verification of the necessary monitoring parameters, the Directorate General of Fisheries has reopened, on my indication, the red shrimp fishing". With these words, the Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry Francesco Lollobrigida announced the reopening of the red shrimp (Aristaeomorpha foliacea) fishery in the western Mediterranean, authorized with note n°643646 dated 15 December 2022 by the General Directorate of Maritime Fisheries and aquaculture. 

From today it will be possible, in fact, for those boats that had not yet reached the quota assigned for the 2022 campaign before the closure, to capture, land and market one of the most sought-after and valued products present in our seas.

"I thought it important", continued the Minister, "to give the possibility of fishing to those who still have quota available, precisely so as not to penalize operators who respect the rules". In fact, vessels included in the list of units authorized for the target capture of red shrimp (ARS) with towed gear in the Tyrrhenian Sea (GSA 9, 10 and 11) are authorized to fish for red shrimp and which, at the time of closure of fishing in September, they had not yet reached the quota allocated for the 2022 fishing season.

"I am certain", concluded Lollobrigida, "that in the vicinity of the Christmas holidays this possibility represents an opportunity for Italian fishermen, in this particular moment of crisis, to increase their economy and to guarantee the consumer to find on the market a very high quality product. Another step forward for the defense of food sovereignty".

Red shrimp fishing has reopened in the western Mediterranean