Meeting of the Integrated Joint Forces Group to search for fugitives

Pasquale Bonavota inserted among the fugitives of maximum danger. A woman was also included among the fugitives considered dangerous.

The Integrated Joint Forces Group for the Search of Fugitives (GIIRL) - established at the Central Directorate of the Criminal Police of the Department of Public Security - with the task of collecting and analyzing the information, provided by the State Police, the Carabinieri, the Guardia di Finanza, the DIA as well as the AISI and AISE, useful for identifying, on the basis of specific evaluation criteria, the fugitives of greater criminal depth, at the last meeting agreed to include them in the "List of the most dangerous fugitives of the Special Research Program ", of the wanted Pasquale Bonavota, fugitive since 2018, already present in the list of" dangerous fugitives "; he is a leading exponent of the 'Ndrangheta, local of Sant'Onofrio, as a top member of the homonymous clan, already sentenced to life imprisonment.

During the same meeting, it was also decided to include 11 subjects in the "List of dangerous fugitives", 2 of which were deemed to be affiliated with gangs of the 'Ndrangheta and one with a Camorra clan.

In the wake of the decision taken at the outcome of the GIIRL meeting in January last, which saw, for the first time, the inclusion of 10 women in the "List of dangerous fugitives", a woman of considerable criminal depth, wanted since 2018, sentenced for criminal association aimed at issuing invoices for non-existent transactions and international money laundering.

Meeting of the Integrated Joint Forces Group to search for fugitives