Consultation result Rousseau postponed to 21.30 pm. Everyone agrees: "same questions that will be asked in the council"

The President of the Council Giuseppe Conte “Denies having expressed, even if only informally, a position or a comment regarding the consultation in progress on the Rousseau platform. What he had to say he has already officially declared in the document that was sent to Minister Salvini and attached to the documents that are to the attention of the competent Council of the Senate. The Rainews website reports it.

In particular - the Adnkronos pointed out - the president does not intend in any way to influence the voting expressions of the members, nor does he intend to interfere in the autonomous evaluations that belong to the senators ”. In the meantime, the vote of M5S members on the Diciotti case has been postponed by an hour due to technical problems on the Rousseau platform. The consultation - which for this reason has been extended until 21.30 pm - takes place on the eve of the decision of the Senate Immunity Council on the authorization to proceed against Matteo Salvini for aggravated kidnapping. The outcome of the vote will be announced in the evening. The formulation of the question: if you say No to authorization, vote Yes The wording of the question chosen by the Blog of the Stars to ask members to express themselves on the case raises several doubts. “Did the delay in disembarking the ship Diciotti, to redistribute migrants in the various European countries, occur for the protection of an interest of the State? - Yes, therefore the authorization to proceed is denied - No, therefore the authorization to proceed is granted ”. Question changed. Added an aside After the strong controversy aroused by the formulation, the questions on which M5s militants must express themselves have been modified. The substance of the question is not changed: you must choose 'no' if you want to authorize the judiciary to proceed against Salvini, you must instead opt for 'yes' if you want to 'save' the owner of the Interior Ministry.

The change made today, before the start of the voting, consists in the addition of an incident, namely: what happened last August, with the disembarkation ban for a few days for the 137 migrants on board the Diciotti ship, " it occurred for the protection of a State interest "or, on the contrary," it did not happen for the protection of a State interest ".

Salvini: the government will not fall, for me anyway it will be a success "For me the government does not risk, no matter how it goes." Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini says so in three talks with 'Repubblica', 'Stampa' and 'Messaggero', in which he says he is "calm" about the Diciotti case.

No fear of the "people's court - he adds - I prefer the popular jury just like Sanremo, rather than the quality jury of radical chic jocks". “Great barricades of the 5 Stars I don't see myself, honestly”, he underlines. The deputy premier M5S also reassured him Di Maio: “Luigi immediately spoke to me clearly. And he said to me: 'Matteo, don't worry, it was a collegial decision, we acted in a clear and responsible way, the government is all of us'". “You are all so worried about the online 5-star rating, about my trial, but I will calmly wait for the response at 19.30 pm. Look, for me, whatever happens, it will be a success ”, he concludes. Then. once the vote has begun: the question? People can read and decide. Di Maio: on government we go ahead, I will support the consultation result “On the government we go on. I made a commitment with the Italians and I intend to carry it forward ”. Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio said this in Pomigliano d'Arco. "As a political leader I will support the result of the online consultation on the Diciotti case," said Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio in Pomigliano d'Arco (Naples). “Someone complained about the question - he added without explicitly naming Beppe Grillo - but it is the same question that will be asked in the council for authorizations. I'm not talking about ifs and buts. We talk tonight - he concluded - and then everyone takes on their responsibilities ”.

Cricket:on Rousseau just a joke, trust in Di Maio. Beppe Grillo slows down after his criticisms of the online consultation question. “Mine was just a joke, crafted against the M5S,” he says, returning to the ironic tweet launched yesterday. “Full confidence in the political leader Luigi Di Maio”, he underlines.

Yesterday he wrote on his Facebook page: “If you vote Yes it means No. If you vote No it means Yes. We are between Paragraph 22 and the Procrustean syndrome!”. Grillo cited the famous paradox of the novel Comma 22 (where the power to choose is only apparent) and the syndrome that indicates, in a person, the contempt for those who are considered to be more successful.

The answer asked to members is the same as that which will be asked Tuesday to the senators of the Executive. That is, whether in that case action was taken or not 'for the protection of a constitutionally relevant State interest or for the pursuit of a pre-eminent public interest in the exercise of the Government function' ". The M5S blog specifies this, explaining that "this complex articulation demonstrates that we are not talking about the immunity of a politician".

Consultation result Rousseau postponed to 21.30 pm. Everyone agrees: "same questions that will be asked in the council"