Salerno - weather warnings: postponed the start of the schools

After the weather alert involving Campania, schools closed tomorrow in Salerno. Vincenzo Sindaco, mayor of Salerno, ordered it in the late afternoon, with an order that postpones the start of the school, which is expected for some institutes. The closing order "for public safety refers only to schools that had decided to open early".

Tomorrow, based on the changing weather conditions, it will be decided whether or not to extend the closure of the complexes. Meanwhile, the weather alert is postponing the opening of schools also in Cava dei Tirreni and Sarno, in the Salerno area. In Benevento, the mayor Clemente Mastella has issued a warning, inviting citizens to pay attention to the underpasses that could widen and not to park with cars in tree-lined areas and not to walk in areas with crumbling eaves or roofs in case of wind.

Salerno - weather warnings: postponed the start of the schools

| PRP Channel, School |