According to the Quirinale, during the meeting of the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella with Matteo Salvini, there was talk of immigration, terrorism, security, confiscation of assets to the mafia and Libya without any mention on the issue related to the preventive seizure of the accounts of the League ordered by a sentence of the Cassation.
The talks, which was held with cordial tones, had been asked in recent days by the leader of the League after the decision of the Supreme Court for the seizure up to 49 million League following the conviction in the first instance of Umberto Bossi for aggravated fraud.
After the meeting with Mattarella, Salvini participated in a government summit with the President of the Conte Council, Di Maio and the ministers of the Tria Treasury and, in connection with the Defense, to talk about the migrant dossier after the tensions past days.
The government is also busy preparing for the informal meeting of the interior ministers on Thursday in Innsbruck. The document of the Austrian presidency, intended to be the working basis for the meeting, is now circulating in a new version, with concepts and language made softer. For example, the concept was deleted where it was specified that "no asylum application can be presented in the European territory".