Salvini between Open Arms, voodoo rites and government red yellow nightmare

#Open #Arms is still in the #Lampedusa bay and of the 27 boys disembarked yesterday as unaccompanied minors, 8 then declared to be of age.

The youngest of the group would be 14, the others between 16 and 17. The twist came when the head of the island's clinic, Francesco #Cascio, visited the boys and certified that their conditions are good. At this point, to avoid any doubt, the Prosecutor of Agrigento ordered an inspection on board the ship. According to what is learned from the inspection, Ansa reports, no particular sanitation criticalities would have emerged to trigger the emergency.

Meanwhile, the Spanish premier Pedro #Sanchez announced that it has offered the port of #Algesiras, in #Andalusia, for the disembarkation of migrants aboard the Open Arms ship. "I indicated that the port of Algeciras is enabled to receive OpenArms. Spain always acts in humanitarian emergencies. It is necessary to establish a European solution, orderly and supportive, which guides the migration challenge with the values ​​of EU progress and humanism“Wrote Sanchez on Twitter.

Open Arms has not accepted.

"We have not rejected Spain's offer, only point out that after 17 days at sea with 107 exhausted people and the emergency situation on board we are not able to face 7 days at sea ", has explained the NGO on the offer of a safe harbor in Spain.

#Salvini's reply on twitter: "The Spanish NGO refuses the port offered by Spain! Incredible and unacceptable, they organize tourist cruises and decide where to disembark ??? I don't give up, Italy is no longer the refugee camp of Europe".

France also said it was ready to welcome 40 migrants from the Open Arms, gives a tweet of the France Presse.

The usual live video of Matteo Salvini on Facebook had been missing for days. Today the leader of the Carroccio broke the silence and from a probable short vacation zone he said (he had to do the live broadcast twice, due to the weak signal of the cellular network): "If anyone has decided on upsets and messes then say it out loud. If there is no government, the main way is elections. Otherwise we sit at the table and work. But Renzi and Boschi are the past, not because Salvini says so but millions of Italians have said it in all elections, Here the only real traitors will be those who eventually betray the popular vote to exhume mummies like Renzi and Boschi. There are those who are working to bring those rejected by the vote back to the palaces of power. What democracy is this? I will never give anyone the satisfaction of opening the doors and letting Renzi and the Pd inOr government or vote, never with Renzi or Boschi. If someone wants to give the Italians a future based on the past, on the open ports, on the Jobs Act, on the Fornero, it will have in me an adversary without fear".

The voodoo rites of the former councilor of the Municipality of Genoa

After the prison evoked by Saviano, a former councilor, left and 'democratic', of the Municipality of Genoa has declared to the world that he will put pins in a doll with the face of Salvini. By now they have arrived at #voodoo, ”Matteo Salvini wrote in a tweet in response to a post by a former Genoa city councilor who posted a photo with a pincushion doll with the face of the Minister of the Interior.

Salvini between Open Arms, voodoo rites and government red yellow nightmare