School, 98% of tutors and 95% of counselors appointed

Valditara: “Concrete help to students with the personalization of teaching”

95% of secondary schools have completed the appointments of tutor teachers and guidance counselors on the "Unica" platform: 98% of the expected tutors have been appointed, i.e. 36.908 out of 37.708, and 95% of guidance counselors, equal to 2.604 on 2753.

“This is concrete help for children, an important step forward for the personalization of teaching, for the fight against dropout and for guidance that is able to provide students and families with all the elements for a thoughtful choice in study and work”, is the comment of the Minister of Education and Merit, Giuseppe Valditara. The recipients are students in the approximately 70 thousand classes of the second two-year period and the last year of secondary school. “My thanks go to the teachers, managers and the entire educational community for the availability and commitment shown in this path which aims to accompany the growth of our young people”, continues Valditara, “enhancing their talents, helping them to overcome their difficulties, to promote their potential and to plan their training and professional path. The role of tutors and counselors will be essential in the full and continuous collaboration with all the teachers of the class group and the school". 

There were 59 thousand teachers who decided to attend the training courses organized in collaboration with Indire starting last September. In the coming months, further training actions will be activated by the Ministry, focused on the practical and operational implementation of the orientation guidelines, which will help teachers to familiarize themselves with the E-portfolio tools available on the "Unica" digital platform.

The tutor and guidance teachers, thanks to a 150 million euro loan, will be paid with ad hoc fees for the activity carried out which will also be recognized with a specific service score. The latest school contract made the two figures structural, delegating the regulation of the methods and criteria for using resources to national integrative bargaining. “The Ministry of Education and Merit remains committed with all its structures in supporting and monitoring this reform, to ensure that every student in Italy has access to high-quality education and effective guidance,” concludes Valditara.

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School, 98% of tutors and 95% of counselors appointed

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