Are you Owl or Lark?

“Are you Owl or Lark? - Guide to good sleep for aware children and adults "by Maria Costanza Cipullo, with illustrations by Giuseppe Fedeli and the preface by Dr. Pierluigi Innocenti, neurologist, founder of ASSIREM (Italian Scientific Association for Research and Education in Medicine of Sleep).

This book, published by AG Book Publishing, aims to promote a greater knowledge of sleep and its functions and to promote adequate lifestyles with a view to prevention, not only of sleep disorders, but also of all those diseases often facilitated, or in any case worsened, by insufficient sleep in quality and quantity. Dedicated to children, but also addressed to parents and teachers, it illustrates how and for how long some animals sleep. A sleep rule is connected to each of them. In the last pages there are drawings to be completed and a short questionnaire that will allow each child to discover, based on their habits, which animal they resemble the most. With this book, therefore, we want to make a small contribution so that a peaceful sleep, from an early age, is one of the elements at the basis of everyone's well-being.

Maria Costanza Cipullo, psychologist, is a senior lecturer at the Ministry of Education as a referent for health and the promotion of healthy lifestyles. Trainer on the issues of addictions, inclusion and prevention of health in school age. Designer. Member of various interinstitutional round tables on health addictions. Member of various committees for the implementation of memoranda of understanding stipulated with the Ministry of Education. He has published several articles and collaborated in the writing of various essays and researches on behavior in children and adolescents.

Are you Owl or Lark?