The agreement was signed by the President of ENAC, Dr. Nicola Zaccheo, and by the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Air Force General Alberto Rosso

In a joint press release theENAC andair Force announce that today the President of the National Agency for Civil Aviation and the Head of SM of the Air Force had a brief meeting in the Historical Rooms of Palazzo Aeronautica, in Rome, to seal the signing of the Deed of Understanding between the National Body for Civil Aviation (ENAC) and the Air Force (AM), which took place yesterday in digital form.

The agreement, which regulates the relations between the two national institutions responsible for the civil and military aviation sectors, is the result of a long process that has seen intense teamwork between the two administrations. At the same time, it represents a fundamental starting point for imparting renewed vigor and impetus to the relations between AM and ENAC, two national excellences that intend to continue to support and strengthen the "Country system"In areas of common interest.

The agreement sets out in a punctual, effective and pragmatic way the implementation of the European Regulations within the framework of the powers that the national law attributes to the two Institutions, so that the flexible use of the airspace by multiple users, including the institutional ones who state aircraft, is always guaranteed in full safety.

The act also enhances the exclusive competences of the two national aeronautical institutions, through forms of collaboration aimed at regulating the use of airspace by all institutional users, also in the perspective of future developments in the field of remotely piloted aircraft, flight suborbital and space activities. Furthermore, due emphasis is given to the specific peculiarities of each of the two aeronautical institutions so that they operate for the benefit of the "Country system", Through collaboration in multiple sectors ranging from flight safety, to testing and experimentation activities, to the issuance of aeronautical licenses, to the production of aeronautical cartography, to the use of airport equipment and infrastructures in a dual perspective, to aeronautical medicine and space.

"The collaboration between the Italian Air Force and ENAC - commented the President of ENAC Nicola Zacchaeusit is crucial to optimize the common goal of civil and military flight safety. It is a particularly important agreement which, starting from the dramatic moment we are experiencing, is already aiming at the future, increasingly characterized by continuous innovations that constitute a constant challenge so that our country continues to be competitive internationally and at the forefront of technologies and security and, at the same time, services to citizens".

Il General Red, on the sidelines of the event, he underlined: "this act of understanding seals a consolidated collaboration through which ENAC and Aeronautica Militare have been pursuing for some time the opportunities for growth and wealth for the country in a synergic way, making the most of and at the same time making the most of a fundamental resource which is airspace". He then went on to say: "In Italy alone, there are 940 airports and airfields and the entire aerospace sector generates about 200.000 jobs. During 2019, more than 193 million passengers and about 1.100.000 tons of material passed through the Italian skies. The national airspace is therefore confirmed as a fundamental and essential resource for the country not only as an increasingly strategic communication route, but also as an economic, employment and social wealth to be enhanced, protected and defended."

Agreement signed between ENAC and the Italian Air Force

| Economics, EVIDENCE 3 |