Silvia Romano, perhaps in Somalia, hostage of the Al Shabaab jadista group

Silvia Romano no longer knows anything from 20 November 2018, when she was abducted from the village of Chakama, 80 kilometers from Malindi, Kenya. More than a hundred days have passed since that moment, yet everything is silent. After a first wave of news and hypotheses on the identity of the kidnappers and the possible reasons that could have pushed them to kidnap the twenty-three Milanese, nothing has been learned. After months of silence, the manifesto risks a hypothesis: that secret negotiations are under way between the Italian government and the jihadist group Al-Shabaab?

The first possibilities on the kidnapping were those of a lightning kidnapping at the hands of a gang of local criminals. The Kenyan police, however, failed to obtain the hoped-for collaboration from the family clans of the Tana river valley, an area of ​​over 40 thousand square kilometers where Silvia Romano is believed to be hidden. This news dates back to January 21, but nothing else has been known since. The only news, not very reassuring, is that the commander of the local police has left the command of operations.

To throw a further shadow on the case of Silvia Romano, are the three wanted by the police. As Wired reports, important sizes have been placed on them, but one would have died months ago, well before the kidnapping. Then there is another consideration: if the kidnapping had an economic origin it would have had to be resolved quickly with the payment of a ransom. Yet we do not even know if a ransom was asked. Fabrizio Floris de il manifesto ventures a worrisome hypothesis. There may be a secret negotiation between the Italian government and the al-Shabaab jihadist group to free Silvia Romano. The jihadist group could in fact have recriminated to the Italian government the reconstruction that the Italians are in Mogadishu, capital of Somalia. For al-Shaabab it would be a new form of colonialism. According to this hypothesis, Silvia Romano could be freed only if the Italians left the city, recently the victim of a terrorist attack in which at least 29 people would have died.

Silvia Romano, perhaps in Somalia, hostage of the Al Shabaab jadista group