SIM Guardia di Finanza: "We apply the Constitution"

Thus, in a press release, the Italian Military Guardia di Finanza Syndicate: "A few days ago, il 15 Marchwe have founded in Rome the Italian Military Union of the Guardia di Finanza. There date chosen is symbolic, because that day we celebrate San Longinomartyr, the Roman soldier who, after la moryou of Jesus, he converted to Christianity. According to tradition, Longino suffered  martyrdom for refusing to declare that the disciples had stolen the body of Jesus while the military guard posts yes they were addormentati. The story is told by the evangelist Matthew (Mt. 28, 13-15).

We certainly do not claim to be evangelizers, but simply to apply the Constitution.

Last year a historic sentence of the The Constitutional Court has finally canceled theinexplicable prohibition of unionization, established in a provision of the code of military order that in fact it prevented the Armed Forces from inquiring into the "spirit democratico dethe Republic ”, as instead provides forart. 52 of the Constitution. Non it is difficult to understand how much can be harmful - even pericolosi for the same democracy - unbridled command, the exercise of power without restraints and military discipline not appropriately mitigated. The militarization - warranty di effectiveness and efficiency - must not never result in excessive compressionto civil and social rights, nor to encourage behavior in contrast with the common good. Trouble if interests prevail particulari on those of the State!

Thanks to the Constitutional Court, all military personnel can now better protect their collective interests directly and without having to wait paternalistic impulses. However, is not sufficient that we can organize ourselves in labor unions. Now it is necessary that also the legislator do your part by introducing a specific legislative discipline that does not invalidate this epochal change. After having lived for seventy years in a condition of factual unconstitutionality, the Italian military deserve now a satisfactory regulation. For Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza, in particular, it must be at least equal to that in force for the State Police from the distant 1981.

SIM Guardia di Finanza: "We apply the Constitution"

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