Study Seminar We delete 20 years of sentences on child abduction from biological parents

With this seminar we cancel 20 years of sentences on child abduction from biological parents

(by Francesca Proietti Cosimi) The locution cogito ergo sum, which literally means "I think therefore I am", is the formula with which Descartes expresses the indubitable certainty that man has of himself as a thinking subject (NoN I think therefore I am AndreaMagri).

The Copernican revolution of knowledge: Kant elaborates a conception of knowledge that constitutes a real revolution, because at the center of the cognitive process he no longer places the object but the subject with his abilities and activities.

With the company cogito ergo sum Partly Descartes seems to refer to the philosophy of Augustine and to his affirmation Yes fallor sum (If I am wrong), but in reality it radically reverses the perspective: for Augustine, in fact, doubt was an expression of truth, and it meant that I have the ability to doubt only insofar as there is a Truth that transcends me and makes it possible my thoughts.

Karl Raimund Popper The objectivist theory of truth Conjectures and refutations (1963) is Popper's most important collection of essays following the Logic of scientific discovery. In it, Popper on the one hand reaffirms the conjectural character of science and the importance of the method of falsification, which pervades all the fields of human experience due to its adherence to the evolutionary procedures of living organisms. On the other hand, however, he is opposed to the possible functionalist tendencies of his theory, reaffirming the objective character of truth as a "regulatory principle", in the Kantian sense. The last Popper will focus more and more on this topic, about which we propose some particularly significant passages taken from the essay Truth, rationality and the growth of scientific knowledge (1960).

Study Seminar We delete 20 years of sentences on child abduction from biological parents