No salary adjustments for defense executives on NOIPA. ASPMI: "sons and stepchildren"

Since yesterday on the NOIPA platform there are the amounts due to contractual military personnel deriving from the 2019-2021 contract renewal.

Apart from some, apparent, calculation errors on the application of the tax rate, the claims that this union has brought forward, to the disbelief of many, have come to a good end. The contracted staff will soon be credited with the due skills and will receive them in June.

But a sore point must necessarily be highlighted.

Once again they have been made "children and stepchildren". Even the managerial staff, yesterday, hoped to find the extraordinary payslip with the arrears referred to the salary adjustment equal to 0.91%. This has not happened and in ASPMI's opinion it is not acceptable.

Thinking that military personnel who hold a degree and an administrative position other than contracted personnel can "wait", by virtue of having a considerable salary, is anachronistic and feeds that "class struggle" that this trade union acronym avertes and repudiates in all possible forms.

Anyone who has decided not to include the salary adjustment of executives in the June extraordinary payslip must necessarily repent, in addition to formulating the necessary apologies.

If the top politicians do not try to resolve this unfortunate situation, the executives will have to wait for the ordinary July slip to get what they are entitled to, with a one-year delay on the schedule, without neglecting the compensation deriving from the so-called "fund" for Major and Lieutenant Colonels who received it two years late.

We do not understand why there is this fury towards the ruling class and why they have to wait for all these delays which are difficult to ignore. Added to this is the delay experienced by contracted staff who, after six months, have finally seen their arrears and are still awaiting salary adjustments as well as all the economic benefits deriving from the contract renewal.

ASPMI, as it is doing, will remain vigilant and attentive so that everything that has happened so far does not happen again in the future.

No salary adjustments for defense executives on NOIPA. ASPMI: "sons and stepchildren"

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