Tomorrow ends the health emergency that lasted two years from the proclamation of the Conte government. In force since April 1st, many changes that eliminate the green pass and the super green pass in different situations. From May 31st, the green pass institution will definitively terminate its restrictive validity, with one exception: until December XNUMXst the obligation to [...] remains

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The state of emergency has been extended until March 31, 2022, so, with another decree presented yesterday in the Council of Ministers, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi wants to keep the country safe from the grip of the pandemic. The new Omicron variant, although less dangerous but more contagious, requires governments not to be able to lower [...]

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Two-speed Green Pass, a formula being studied by the government to avoid surprises at Christmas with a patchy lockdown. The green certificate could be linked only to vaccines or to the overcoming of the infection, not allowing access to restaurants, cinemas and stadiums to citizens in possession of a certificate following an antigen test. In the […]

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Yesterday, Italian workers without any vaccines would have dropped to just under 2,7 million (equal to 12,2 per cent of the total employed). If we take away from the latter the 350 thousand people who for health reasons are exempt from the possession of the green certificate and 1,3 million employees who regularly underwent the [...]

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Next Monday 2 million workers will not be able to go to the factory or office because they are unable to get the swab to get the Green pass. Unfortunately, pharmacies and public / private facilities dedicated to this service are not able to perform a sufficient number of tests daily to cover the demand. Workers who, they [...]

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(by John Blackeye) The Roman afternoon in mid-October this time is sunny but very breezy and even if someone wanders among the thousands in attendance with a short-sleeved shirt, it must be added that this afternoon is really cold. who do not let themselves be guided by television, even today they have decided [...]

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From today to access the workplace it is necessary to have the Covid-19 Green Certificate or the vaccination exemption certificate. The decree of 21 September extended the obligation for access to all workplaces, both in the public and private sectors, until 31 December, the end of the state of emergency. The last two Dpcm [...]

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Not only Forza Nuova but many extremist groups would be mobilizing for a national demonstration, all close to 15 October, the watershed date in which there will be the obligation of the green certificate for all workers. Palazzo Chigi is irremovable on the provisions already enacted even if the focus is on the climate of [...]

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(by John Blackeye) It is the last Saturday of September of this 2021 that is flying away with a thousand problems. Some of the problems we have suddenly found ourselves facing, others instead are creating them for us. The Sun seems to be that of August. The temperature is around thirty degrees. On the lawns of Piazza San Giovanni [...]

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Many artisans and as many small entrepreneurs are worried and hope for the announcement effect; that is, that by next 15 October most of the 3,7 million employees in the private sector who have not yet been vaccinated will do so. If this does not happen, many companies could find themselves in the position of having to stop working, because [...]

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This week the next Council of Ministers will decide on a second decree that extends the obligation of the green pass in a more structured way, including all public employees. The conversion into law of this new decree must take place by 10 October next to allow citizens to be able to carry out as many vaccines as possible and be [...]

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This week at the next council of ministers (Wednesday, to be confirmed) the government intends to extend the green pass to users of public services. So not only the obligation to public administration employees but also to users, as is the case for schools, where the use of the green card is also foreseen for parents [...]

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The national platform for the control of the green pass is launched. Thanks to the collaboration between the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health, from Monday 13 September, with the start of lessons in most regions of Italy, school managers, or their delegates, will have an agile tool at their disposal to control , in real time, every day, the status (active / not [...]

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There will be 15 million Italians who will vote between September and October for the administrative with the rules imposed by Covid. The Ansa reports the indications of the Interior Ministry and the Ministry of Health for conducting the vote in complete safety. The novelty is the obligation of the green pass for the members of the polling stations of the hospital constituencies [...]

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From today for buses, airplanes and trains, the Green pass is compulsory on long-distance ones. 'Anyone who blocks traffic commits a crime', warns the undersecretary of the Interior Sibilia in the face of no vax activism. The no vaxes who have set up a dense network of private chats, through social networks raise the bar and threaten the minister [...]

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The problem of the "green pass" to access company canteens is becoming a serious problem for the Government to be resolved at a regulatory level as soon as possible. From 6 August, for the consumption of the meal indoors, access to the company canteens and to the premises used for the administration of catering services, access to those [...]

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As part of a complex investigation carried out by the Postal and Communications Police Service, in concert with the Milan and Bari Departments, with the coordination of the Public Prosecutors at the Courts of Rome, Milan and Bari minors, 4 subjects were identified, searched and investigated, including 2 minors, managers [...]

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Against the government's decisions on the "green pass" yesterday there were demonstrations from North to South to 'stop the dictatorship of the slavery passport' and the cry 'liberty', liberty ''. There was tension with the police in Rome. In Milan and Naples also insults to Prime Minister Draghi, slogans against 'Big Pharma' and multinationals. In procession [...]

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They proposed, without ever having them, the anti Covid vaccines from Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca. And they offered fake green passes, sold on the dark web with all-inclusive packages for 100-130 euros, aiming at the desire of people to return to travel and participate in events of all kinds. The investigation of the Special Unit takes another step forward [...]

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