by Editorial Staff According to the Times, concerns are arising in England about national security following a multimillion-dollar agreement with a Chinese company to supply a supercomputer to a British government body. The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) of the UK Research and Innovation agency has announced that it will install a Lenovo supercomputer at the site […]

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Choosing a profession is one of the most important decisions in a person's life and can significantly influence one's income and job satisfaction. If you're looking to establish a profitable career, it's crucial to know the professions that offer the greatest earning opportunities. In this article, we will explore some of the most profitable professions […]

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(by Lorenzo Midili) Cyberwar, also called cyberwarfare, is a war directed by computers, by states or their operators against other states. Known as "cyber warfare," it is usually waged against government and military networks in order to disrupt, destroy or even deny its use. Cyber ​​warfare, often identified as espionage or crime [...]

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Beijing has ordered all government offices and public bodies to remove foreign equipment and software within three years. A fatal blow to HP, Dell and Microsoft. The government directive requires Chinese buyers to switch to home technology providers. The news echoes Trump's announcement to curb the use of technology [...]

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Researchers have discovered security gaps stemming from central processing units, better known as chips or microchips, which could allow the hacking of data stored on computers and networks. No data breaches have been reported so far. What are the mistakes? There are two separate security flaws known as Meltdown and Specter. Meltdown [...]

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