The ABI reports that on the basis of the data on non-performing loans, just published by the Bank of Italy, it is possible to take a snapshot of the degree of riskiness of loans in the various economic sectors. In September 2023 the ratio between bad debts before devaluations and loans to businesses is 3,10%, a value slightly higher than 3,06% [...]

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The ABI conducted an in-depth analysis based on the data just published by the Bank of Italy: in June 2023 loans in Italy recorded an annual reduction of -2,4%, but there are significant differences at a territorial level. In the South, loans grew by 0,5%, in the Islands they remained at the same value as last year, while [...]

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Between February and December 2020, the CGIA Studies Office reports, the overall stock of loans granted to Italian companies to face the economic crisis increased by 39 billion euros, even if the volume of guaranteed loans fielded by the Conte bis government it was over 150 billion. If these operations have [...]

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It is plausible to believe that the resources made available by the “Cura Italia”, the “Liquidity decree” and the “Italian Guarantee” program benefited above all the banks and companies that had already obtained a loan before the advent of Covid. The CGIA Studies Office came to this hypothesis which, after analyzing the data of the [...]

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The ABI has drawn up a sort of "simplified unified text" of all the rules, issued following the decree law of 8 April by the various Authorities and bodies committed to the correct application of the decree itself, which is aimed at providing liquidity loans , with public guarantee, to companies and professionals affected by the effects of [...]

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(by Dr. Riccardo Pastore) The crisis generated by COVID-19 seems to have a unique force, even greater than that of 2008. The reason for this uniqueness lies in the fact that the almost general block of activities wears down the resources of businesses and families " from within ”and the flows to the banks decrease. In detail, it happens that companies burn liquidity [...]

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Compared to the same period of 2018, even in March of this year [provisional figure which also includes securitized loans], the CGIA Research Office said, bank loans to small businesses fell by 2,3 percent : a negative trend that for these companies has lasted for 7 years now [Bank of Italy, Report [...]

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According to an elaboration carried out by the CGIA Research Office, from the maximum point of disbursement of bank loans (*) recorded in recent years (August 2011) to the latest available data (August 2017), Veneto companies have seen the total amount of loans of 29,1 billion euros. In percentage terms, the contraction was 29,1 percent, against [...]

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