Yesterday, Italian workers without any vaccines would have dropped to just under 2,7 million (equal to 12,2 per cent of the total employed). If we take away from the latter the 350 thousand people who for health reasons are exempt from the possession of the green certificate and 1,3 million employees who regularly underwent the [...]

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Next Monday 2 million workers will not be able to go to the factory or office because they are unable to get the swab to get the Green pass. Unfortunately, pharmacies and public / private facilities dedicated to this service are not able to perform a sufficient number of tests daily to cover the demand. Workers who, they [...]

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There is much confusion on the real number of swabs carried out, doubts come from the numbers on the virus provided by the Government. The pollster Lorenzo Pregliasco of Youtrend tried to see more clearly on the official data provided by the Regions on the "tamponade" that ascertains the coronavirus infection through a complex laboratory test: he found that the [...]

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(John Blackeye) I am not a mathematician and I am not an expert in statistics but if you look at the data that are provided to us on the Civil Protection web page, you understand that something - about this pandemic - is not right. I bring two examples for everyone. In Lombardy, about seventy thousand tampons that are [...]

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