No jokes aside: "not allowed to sit on the steps of Trinità dei Monti in Rome"

Eight officers of the municipal police of Rome are on guard on Rome's most famous staircase, Trinità dei Monti. The reason? From 5 July, the new regulation has become operational which provides for a fine of up to 250 euros for those who remain seated on the steps despite the prohibition notices. It looks like one of the many scenes from the “Scherzi a Parte” show, but it's a “burning” reality. The incredulous and often angry tourists get up and leave the area. Now the staircase is empty and you can appreciate it for all its "incomplete" beauty because the emotional strength of the staircase was also the color it expressed thanks to the tourists it hosted "seated" from all over the world.

The comment by Vittorio Sgarbi could not be missing: "The protection of the monument is fine, obviously the fact that you can't eat on marble, but the ban on sitting is really excessive. It seems to me a Fascist-style provision that the Municipality will be forced to review. From what world it is the traveler sits on the steps and stops to admire the landscape".

For Claudio Pica, of Fiepet Conf, exhibitors: "this is an absurd rule that penalizes and drives away tourists".

Il Messaggero, in an article by Mauro Evangelisti, also reports the comments of some tourists.

Beatriz, 25 years, of Madrid, shakes her head: «What an exaggeration. And there is no sign that explains the ban. In Rome I did Erasmus and this city has much more serious problems than tourists on the stairs. If one sits politely, what's wrong? It would be more important to deal with a city that has waste everywhere and with public transport that does not work ».

Ayu, 20 years, a pretty Indonesian girl on vacation with her boyfriend, is posing sitting on a step wrapped in a flowered dress: her eyes look into the camera of her smartphone, but she almost flips backwards because of the whistle of the guard. Ayu turns around in surprise. And who knows how to say "but what do you mean?" In Indonesian. Then he finds the Asian smile: «If this is the rule, respect. I just wanted a picture. "

Same fate for another girl from Chicago, who just sat on the steps while her friend has the iPhone ready. "No one warned us."

The best synthesis is by a girl from Cremona, Beatrice Perini: «What a disappointment. I had already been to Rome and remembered how nice it was to sit on the staircase. I can understand that because of the rude tourists the Municipality of Rome has decided to refuse to sit down. But I wonder: how does a tourist know? There is no sign that explains it ».

However, the consent to the protectionist line prevails among the Spanish market traders. David Sermoneta, of the Piazza di Spagna-Trinità dei Monti Association, explains that he also finances the controls by the group of Carabinieri on leave: "Mass tourism risks compromising the beauty of this city, a garrison was needed."

No jokes aside: "not allowed to sit on the steps of Trinità dei Monti in Rome"

| EVIDENCE 2, RM 30 |