Videoclip of Italians abroad, initiative of the Paolo Cresci Foundation


(by Barbara Pavarotti - Paolo Cresci Foundation) May XNUMXst. On Labor Day - launched over a century ago, to commemorate the great battles for the conquest of workers' rights - the "Paolo Cresci Foundation for the history of Italian emigration”Invites all of you who are abroad to talk to us about your work. What you do or have done in the various continents where you are. In a period in which Italian emigration has returned, we want to live this day together with you - young people, adults, retirees - who have left in search of better life opportunities or to fulfill your wishes.

On May XNUMXst, therefore, we ask you to take your smartphone and tell us about your experience through a video of a few minutes. How? As did Rosita Perulli from London

So tell us what you do in the country where you settled, what you did in Italy. And what would you like to be done in Italy to be able to return if you wish. For example, Simone Cerrato, 37, from Turin, a videomaker who returned from Australia, would like it, but is ready to leave again because "I certainly don't see so many prospects in Italy. My dream would be to do my job in my country instead of having to emigrate. "

Your videos of this first May a little special - to send to – (to write mail in video lesson) will enrich the Cresci Foundation archive and its museum. After "Italia addio, I won't come back", (cover with doc title) our docufilm that showed the new world of youth emigration, Italy elsewhere, the collection continues.

To the letters, to the black and white photos, to the poignant memories of those who started many years ago, with the bundle or the cardboard suitcase, now we place side by side the testimonies of you that today you are called expat and you start not with the ships, but by train and on the plane, with the trolley and super technologized.

The yellowed pieces of paper are replaced by videos, but inside there are, now as then, always choices, dreams, risks, hopes and desire to do. And they are equally precious documents, for the preservation of a slice of history: the emigration of the 2000s. The new archive of the Paolo Cresci Foundation for the history of Italian emigration. The first museum in the world that aims to preserve the memories not only of historical emigration - preserved thanks to the over 15.000 documents collected during his life by the Florentine photographer Paolo Cresci - but also of the current one. Because, in a few decades, these too will be history, an important part of Italian history. And they have the right not to be spread on the web, but to have a place and a channel dedicated to them.

Thanks to all of you who will collaborate and thanks to all the newspapers, radio and TV for Italians abroad, located in the various continents, who have joined the project and will divulge it.