Viterbo: denounced Italian and foreign citizens accused of organizing false marriages

The Viterbo State Police reported six foreigners and three Italians for organizing false marriages between European and non-EU citizens, seized numerous documents following searches.
The subjects presented themselves to the Immigration Office of the Questura of Viterbo to request the residence card after marrying Italian or EU citizens, but marriages were a device to obtain a five-year residence card.
The investigation activity, coordinated by the local Public Prosecutor's Office, focused on some residence card requests reported by the Immigration Office in relation to three marriages that had been celebrated in the Municipality of Civita Castellana.
From the investigative investigations, from the testimony of some subjects and from the examination of the documents emerged the role of two Pakistani citizens as organizers of "marriages of convenience".
One of them, already at the center of an investigation into the facilitation of illegal immigration conducted in the 2014, turned out to be a giver of hospitality and a fictitious employment for a Polish citizen, wife of one of the two non-EU citizens. The other Pakistani, who emerged as the creator and organizer of two other marriages, was also witnessed by the records to be a wedding witness in the civil status, as well as a constant point of territorial reference for the compatriots involved. The two subjects provided the logistical and documentary assistance needed to complete the marital unions for which the compliant Italians would receive cash rewards ranging from one thousand to two thousand euros.
In particular, the notice of the conclusion of the investigation was issued to all subjects, holding them responsible, in competition, for the offense of induced ideological falsehood of the public official in public documents because, with more actions and different roles, they organized and carried out a series concatenations of conduct aimed at allowing the beneficiary non-EU citizen to obtain a false residence card; all this by misleading and misleading the public official responsible for the administrative procedure.
For one of the three marriages the attempted crime was contested, as the issue of the residence card was not completed, given the obvious falsity of the cohabitation and maintenance declarations that emerged in the preliminary phase.
Evaluations are in progress for possible revocation of permits improperly obtained by non-EU citizens.

Viterbo: denounced Italian and foreign citizens accused of organizing false marriages