Abi: the new "Welcome to the bank" edition of the multilingual brochure for foreign citizens is coming soon

Brief and immediate, with clear answers to the many everyday questions. In Italian, but also in English, French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Ukrainian, Tagalog and Hindi. This is the new edition of "Welcome to the bank", the multilingual brochure to get to know the bank and use it easily, with updated and expanded content compared to the first version, available on the ABI website www.abi.it. Developed by the Italian Banking Association, this practical guide was created to facilitate access to the bank for those coming from another country and speaking another language. Knowing how to relate to a bank and knowing what a bank can do for your business and family contributes to better work and social integration in the country.

To overcome language difficulties, “Welcome to the bank” is available in 10 languages. The brochure is intended for foreign citizens. It contains a series of indications to illustrate the main products and services made available by the banks: with simple and clear language it explains, for example, how to open a current account, how to send money to your country of origin, how to apply for a loan or start a supplementary pension.

The brochure was born from the collaboration of ABI with numerous institutions and organizations: ACLI, ANCI, ARCI, Caritas Italiana, Cespi, Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, IOM (international organization for migration) and UNHCR (the UN agency for refugees). Thanks to the support of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies and the National Observatory on the Financial Inclusion of Migrants, it was possible to translate the brochure into several languages.

 "Welcome to the bank" is distributed in digital format.

Abi: the new "Welcome to the bank" edition of the multilingual brochure for foreign citizens is coming soon

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