Bolkestein, Pavoncello ANA: PD outbound walker from Direttiva. Great disappointment and discomfort

“A very serious low blow by the Democratic Party and the Government to Italian street vendors. The Democratic Party throws the mask and rejects in the Montecitorio courtroom all the motions in favor of the exit of street vendors and bathers from the Bolkestein directive, presented by various political parties. We are heartbroken, disappointed, angry: we ask ourselves why this government has decided to put 196.000 itinerant companies in the middle of a road throughout Italy, thus starving 1 million people who have their livelihood from street vendors ”.

This was stated in a note by Angelo Pavoncello, vice president of ANA (National Ambulance Association). “Today we have seen the proceedings of the classroom in many. All the following trade unions were present: ANA (National Association of Peddlers), Enterprises today, De Bustis Naples Association, Historical Markets Association of Florence, Association of Peddlers Rome (AR), ASCI, UPVAD, Fivag Cisl, PIU Milan, CSA Milan, Mercatale Association Metastasio Napoli, MSR CNA - adds Pavocello - We are thrilled and we are angry at the treatment that has been reserved for us by the Democratic Party. Finally, the hope that the process to get our category out of Bolkestein was becoming a reality thanks to a parliament that was as close as ever to our needs. We find it unfair and serious that the government of our country has taken sides against a historical and important sector of Italian trade: two hundred thousand companies with attached families that will end up remaining on the conscience of the Gentiloni government ”.

Bolkestein, Pavoncello ANA: PD outbound walker from Direttiva. Great disappointment and discomfort

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