Africa - Defense: Theresa May's journey opens up new expectations

The trip that British Prime Minister Theresa May has just made in Africa appears to be of particular interest, demonstrating the importance that the United Kingdom attaches to the Continent and opening up new prospects for local development and the containment of migratory flows.

Mrs. May, in a statement in her statement, Undersecretary of Defense Raffaele Volpi, during her trip to traditional partner countries of London, such as Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa, announced the opening of new embassies in Chad and Niger, countries of consolidated French interest in which it is often difficult to enter and compete with Paris.

The British government is putting considerable resources on the plate, increasing the already substantial direct investment budget in Africa by 4 billion pounds. This economic commitment will certainly strengthen the regional influence of the United Kingdom and increase the volume of trade with Africa, which currently sees China as a major global player.

English relations with African countries are embracing the diplomatic sphere, economic development and defense, creating partnerships, opportunities and collaborations also to reduce potential risk factors for the United Kingdom and Europe.

The British are intervening with the same philosophy on which we are pushing Europe. We look forward to ever greater collaboration with the United Kingdom, already a very strong ally in NATO.

Any initiative that promotes stability in Africa should be welcomed, being able to help mitigate the migratory pressure on the Mediterranean and Italy in the front line, Volpi also underlines, concluding: in some circumstances, the stubborn preservation of fences dating back to the era of colonialism does not help to move forward nor is it advisable to leave the African continent to the economic expansionism of Asian super-powers.

Africa - Defense: Theresa May's journey opens up new expectations