Democratic Party: for Renzi is chaos lists, from Repubblica Candidates Cerno

The national leadership of the Democratic Party has slipped to 20.00 hours, for the second time in a few hours: an unequivocal sign of the situation that is still all about the composition of the electoral lists for the upcoming elections.

Sources close to the Democratic Party tell of a continuous coming and going in these hours at the headquarters of Nazareno, hours excited from here to 29 January, deadline for the submission of lists: the Democratic Party will have to vote in the management today, but affirm that at the moment there are certain elements would be to say a falsehood. Renzi and the main social channels of the Democratic Party have remained silent and nothing has leaked on the dense negotiations in the dem headquarters on future relations of "power" among the currents inside the party.

At the former premier this time it was the unpleasant task of filing the lists: an unavoidable decision since the places available with respect to the 2013 have significantly decreased, so Matteo Renzi is having to cut heavily, risking to stifle the aspirations of leaders and currents.

After days of work on the lists from the Nazarene, he drew out a draft strategy that Matteo Renzi was trying to make to agree with the big names of the party: "Give young 40ennial professionals a high profile, because anyway, after the elections, the Democratic Party will have to be rebuilt"This is the secretary's mantra grappling with the majority of the party which, in many cases, does not seem to want to detach itself from its positions, effectively blocking the definition of the lists.

Meanwhile, the name of the first "high profile" selected by Matteo Renzi seems official: Tommaso Cerno, co-director of Repubblica, will be a candidate by the Democratic Party in the next elections. This is confirmed by party circles and the journalist himself confirms it, who had assumed the co-management of Repubblica only last October 25, on Twitter.

Democratic Party: for Renzi is chaos lists, from Repubblica Candidates Cerno

| ITALY, PRP Channel |