28th National Congress of the Italian Society of Childhood and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry - SINPIA

Tomorrow, Thursday 5 on Saturday 7 October 2017, will be held in Naples, at Villa Doria d'Angri, the 28 ° National Congress of the Italian Society of Childhood and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry - SINPIA.

The scientific program, with more than 100 speakers, will address the new frontiers of knowledge in autism spectrum disorders, new rehabilitation models, psychiatric emergencies in adolescence, emotional dysregulation, forensic psychiatry of the developmental age, epilepsies and headaches , the relationships between neuroscience and psychoanalysis, sleep disorders, neuromuscular diseases.

"The whole congress is focused on the issue of evolutionary dimension," he says Carmela Bravaccio, University of Naples and "the child and adolescent are not miniature adults, especially with regard to neuropsychic aspects. They are growing people, where genetics, neurobiology and the environment are constantly intertwined and mutually modulated, as the latest knowledge about epigenetics has well shown. Research increasingly shows how it is a key element for understanding neurodevelopmental disorders, but more so for cure and prevention.

"Neuropsychic disorders of developmental age are among the most common disorders of childhood, but unfortunately still very little considered - he says Antonella Costantino, President SINPIA -.

They hit 1 baby / teenager every 5, and no other area of ​​medicine has witnessed increased access to such relevant services: in less than ten years users in the Neuropsychiatric Services of Infancy and Adolescence (NPIA) they doubled as the staff declined. Nonetheless, only 1 users on 3 can get the diagnostic and therapeutic responses they need. "

Today, for these disorders, there is more and more effective interventions that can change the future of boys and families and reduce the economic burden on the health and social system.

Attention to the early aspects of etiopathogenesis, development and evolution is well represented in the Congress by international speakers, including Professor Matthew Broome, Oxford University, who will address interventions for early onset psychosis and the Professor Hans Forssberg, New Karolinska Solna University Hospital, the role of microbiota in neurodevelopmental disorders.

"Particular attention will also be given to the meeting between young people and research in Infantile Neuropsychiatry with a space dedicated to the presentation by young researchers of the most innovative Italian research lines in neuropsychiatry of infancy and adolescence"Concludes Carmela Bravaccio.

The event, of great importance in the scientific and academic environment, is sponsored, among others, by The Ministry of Health and the Campania Region.

At the opening of the event, the inauguration of the event will see the precious participation and contribution of the emeritus Professor Aldo Masullo, Chairman of the Scientific Technical Committee of the Giambattista Vico Foundation.


28th National Congress of the Italian Society of Childhood and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry - SINPIA

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