4 November 2019: National Unity Day and Armed Forces Day

#4novembre #UnaForzaperilPaese

On the occasion of the celebration of National Unity Day and Armed Forces Day, Monday 4 November, at 11.45, the military commemorative ceremony and the removal of some Italian Army Departments, Marina Militare, will take place in Via Francesco Caracciolo, Naples , Aeronautica Militare, Arma dei Carabinieri and the Guardia di Finanza.

The 4 November 1918 ended the first world war. With the entry of the victorious Italian troops to Trento and Trieste, after almost three and a half years of fierce fighting, the one that was then called "the Great War" ended.

The celebrations of the Day of the National Unity and of the Day of the Armed Forces represent an important moment of cohesion and unity and national identity, as well as the annual meeting of the Italian soldiers with their fellow citizens, an ideal meeting place and amalgamation of Forces Armies and Italian people.

The Armed Forces are, then as today, creators and guarantors of the national Unity. They operate primarily within the framework of coalitions promoted by the main international reference organizations: the UN, NATO and the EU. In some cases they can operate independently on the basis of bilateral agreements between our country and the host nation.

They act with the awareness that military operations contribute and stimulate the growth of the country but above all they promote awareness of the importance for Italy of assuming roles of increasing responsibility also in the international field.

The operational output that the Armed Forces express abroad with their men and women represents a stimulus to stability and development, necessary conditions to restore hope in particularly tormented areas.

They also operate at home to contribute to safety as in the case of the “Strade Sicure” Operation and the “Mare Safe” operation.

In fact, Italy contributes to the current stabilization missions, in inter-force and multinational contexts, with more than 5000 soldiers operating abroad, from Libya to the Sahel and to the Horn of Africa, in Afghanistan, Iraq and Lebanon, from the Baltic countries to the Balkans , from the Mediterranean Sea to the Indian Ocean to the skies of Iceland.

These are international operations - mainly carried out under the aegis of the United Nations, within NATO and the European Union - in which the Armed Forces have reached very high levels of effectiveness, confirming themselves as a reliable and fundamental component of the "Country System", capable of operate beyond the borders, to face the new global challenges to security, stability and peace, and to safeguard national strategic interests.

Furthermore, the Armed Forces have the institutional task of intervening, if required, in the event of public disasters and in other cases of extraordinary necessity and urgency. The natural disasters that have struck the national territory in recent years have seen a growing use of the Armed Forces in the relief activities to the civilian populations, highlighting the preparation and the readiness of the military to face emergency situations in favor of the national community.

This year also marks the twentieth anniversary of the 380 law with which, the 20 of October of 1999, our country has aligned itself with NATO countries by opening the doors of the Armed Forces and the Guardia di Finanza to female recruitment. The entry of Italian women from the military world will take place the following year in the 2000, representing a historic turning point for our country and for Defense.

Together with the creation of the entirely professional model, the 380 law has perhaps represented the epoch-making work par excellence over the past twenty years and has contributed to re-founding the military instrument and improving public perception, creating the premises for one increasingly modern and inclusive tool.

For the women themselves, of course, access to military careers was a milestone in the path of emancipation that finally opened the doors to a reality that was strongly developed for men.

In these years 20 a recruitment model has been developed that can be considered among the most advanced as a guarantee of parity, because it admits women to all roles and all categories without preclusion of tasks and employment. At the end of the 2018 there are about 16 thousand women employed in the Armed Forces and in the Carabinieri that operate in every sector and able to aspire to any kind of career.

The parade will involve an interforce department consisting of 5 battalions, one for each Armed Forces and for the Guardia di Finanza,

The numbers of the November 4 are the confirmation of a great participation and involvement. There will be more than 500 soldiers, men and women and the war flags of the Armed Forces and the Guardia di Finanza.

The ceremonies of the local administrations, the medalists and the Labari of the Combatant and Weapon Associations will also take part in the ceremony along with a representation of the decorated of Gold Medal for Military Valor, of the recalled in the Role of Honor and of the athletes of the Sports Group Paralympic Defense.

4 November 2019: National Unity Day and Armed Forces Day