8.000 identified, 5 arrested, 57 reported as part of the "Safe Stations" operation of the State Police

8.000 identified, 5 arrested, 57 reported as part of the "Safe Stations" operation of the State Police

8.049 identified, 2.790 checked baggage, 5 arrested, 57 suspects and 94 high sanctions of 33 concerning railway safety: these are the results of the fifth day of the “Safe Stations” operation, which involved 1.367 Railway Police operators in 457 railway stations.

The activities, aimed at checking baggage and passengers in consideration of the physiological increase in flows in the summer period, were also supported by dog ​​units in the stations of Milano Centrale, Roma Termini, Bologna Centrale, Napoli Centrale, Pescara, Bari Centrale, Palermo Centrale , Agrigento, Genoa Principe, Genoa Brignole, Verona Porta Nuova and Bussoleno (Turin). The patrols also made use of the latest generation smartphones for real-time control of documents and metal detectors.

In particular, the Railway Police of Parma and Fidenza, assisted by the Compartment of Bologna, carried out three measures of custody in prison issued by the Judicial Authority against as many subjects, two Africans and an Italian aged between 19 and 23 years . The same were identified as authors of a robbery committed on 27 last July on a regional Fidenza-Parma train to the detriment of a boy from 26 years, to whom they stole the wallet and other personal effects, after having beaten him and kept him under threat of a knife.

Also yesterday a patrol of the Gallarate Polfer in the Legnano railway station stopped and denounced a Gambian of 23 years for resistance to public officials, injuries and interruption of public service. The operators recognized the subject as the author of the attack on a train conductor, which took place on board a 19 train last August, thanks to the frames taken from the video surveillance service.

8.000 identified, 5 arrested, 57 reported as part of the "Safe Stations" operation of the State Police

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