Leonardo: agreement with Federmanager on early retirement for managers with the use of innovative instruments

Leonardo and the Federmanager National Association, together with the Coordination of the RSA Group Managers, have signed the agreement on early retirement pursuant to art. 4, Law n.92 / 2012, cd Legge Fornero.

The agreement will involve up to a maximum of 65 executives who will accrue the requirements for retirement within the maximum time frame of the 4 years following the scheduled outputs in the two-year period 2018-2019. The agreement is developed through the use of innovative and shared tools that enhance the best practices already tested at Group level.

The signing of the agreement represents an important step compared to the pursuit of the objectives set out in the 2018-2022 Business Plan. In fact, the need to promote generational turnover and modernize the company's skills is being met to encourage the recovery of efficiency, operational flexibility and business competitiveness.

Effective dialogue with managers and their union representatives continues, in line with the role they have been recognized as strategic interlocutors in the context of a modern model of industrial relations for the Group's management. Furthermore, the implementation of the agreement will be monitored, through already planned checks, also to evaluate possible extensions.

Leonardo: agreement with Federmanager on early retirement for managers with the use of innovative instruments