Abi: Internet and Mobile Banking even more central in customer choice

In the Annual Report of ABI Lab the photograph of Internet and Mobile Banking users

The growing use of digital channels (smartphones and tablets) in recent years has placed greater emphasis on the centrality of the customer within the offer of banks. With this in mind, the ABI Lab-Doxa online survey, contained in the ABI Lab's Annual Report on Digital Banking, analyzes and describes the perception and behavior of Internet and Mobile Banking users to understand their main needs and expectations.

The customer profile of Internet and Mobile Banking

The analysis was carried out on a sample of 1.033 Mobile and Internet Banking users, representative of the Italian population who have access to the Internet and carry out transactions (information or dispositive) via app, Mobile site and / or PC.

Within the panel analyzed, a specific focus was also conducted on customers who have opened a new relationship with a bank (e.g. current account, investment, loan, prepaid card, etc.) using exclusively digital channels (Internet or Mobile Banking ), so-called "Digital Onboarded" customers.

In the analysis of the digital customer profile, substantial gender equality emerges, 29% of the interviewees are under 34, about 40% have a high degree (degree) and about half (48%) are employees.

Digital Onboarded customers show an attitude typical of the most sophisticated and most advanced targets: 46% are multi-banked compared to 30% of the overall panel.

The most used services

According to the research, PCs and smartphones are now equivalent in terms of use for digital operations, in fact, the percentages of those who resort to information or dispositive operations are very close (86% PC vs. 83% smartphone).

The choice of technical support is mainly dictated by the context in which the operation is appropriate.

For example, the search for branches and the booking of appointments in the branch is carried out mainly through smartphones; for the balance of accounts and payment cards the use of the devices is almost indifferent, while for the more complex dispositive operations, such as F24, payments (taxes, mav, cbill and car tax), which require the use of adequate tools ( e.g. use of an extended keyboard), PC use is still predominant. In general, an opening towards digital is increasingly emerging: in the case of credit transfers, for example, 7 out of 10 respondents say they prefer digital channels (compared to the branch) to carry out these operations.

On average 1 interviewee out of 4 declares to have left a score, a comment or to have shared their experience of using the Mobile Banking applications in the various platforms where the Apps can be downloaded (App Store); 38% of Digital Onboarded customers are reached.

37% of the interviewees have increased their use of Internet Banking since it was active on Mobile, confirming that the two channels feed each other.

The study underlines that customer expectations are moving in the direction of an increasingly complete range of services. Among the wishes of the customers interviewed, the requests for discounts, coupons, localization services and assistance via text chat or video chat emerge above all. It should be noted that a significant proportion of respondents indicate that they are satisfied with the completeness of the services offered.

Abi: Internet and Mobile Banking even more central in customer choice