Action day against home burglaries

Theft in homes is of particular concern to the population as, in addition to generating economic damage, they often involve a strong emotional involvement, causing a real trauma due to the violation of one's own private sphere.

The Department of Public Security - Central Direction of the Criminal Police, in order to make the prevention and fight against these crimes ever more effective, has promoted, in recent days, the creation of an Action day, a day dedicated to the fight against thefts in an apartment, in some territorial areas affected by the criminal phenomenon in question.

The Provincial Public Security Authorities were invited to examine the measures to be taken in a preventive and repressive manner in the Committee for the Order and Public Security.

In particular, in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Umbria, Puglia and Sicily, police forces and local police forces have worked synergistically, creating services aimed at preventing and combating theft in homes in a structured manner, particularly frequent in the summer season .

At local level, information and awareness-raising initiatives have been undertaken with regard to citizens also through the distribution, at gathering centers, of leaflets and vademecums with suggestions on the precautions to be taken, by way of self-defense, to prevent crimes in word or to minimize damage.

4.772 operators of the State Police, of the Carabinieri, of the Guardia di Finanza and of the local police took part in the service.

During the activities 29 people were reported for receiving stolen goods, 27 individuals were reported and another 13 were arrested for the crime of home theft in relation to which, moreover, more than 76.200 Euros and various personal effects were seized by way of proceeds from the aforementioned criminal activity.

Action day against home burglaries