In Gavignano the presentation of the novel "Biondo oro Grigio topo" by Margherita Anselmi

(by Emanuela Ricci) In a small medieval village, GavignanoAt the gates of Rome, Fulvio and his local committee created a library in an old carpentry, surrounded by old tools of the trade. A magical and unique corner for the "location", where cultural meetings are held every month.

This evening the library hosted Margherita Anselmi who presented, before a large audience, his first novel, "Blond gold Gray mouse".

Margherita Anselmi was born in the province of Rome where she lives and works as a primary school teacher. Always passionate about literature, she attended the courses of the School of Writing "Homer".

Just during the writing course, Margherita had the inspiration to write a novel that from day to day became more and more engaging. The author, interviewed by PRP Channel, told of his passion for writing and the desire to "impress", in a book, a very significant period of his life, the years from 1960 to 1965. The place is Valmontone, another small village south of Rome, where in those years people lived most of the time on the street. Everyone knew each other, everyone helped each other and then in the evening, says the writer, all on the street for an unforgettable party.

The novel tells the story of a little girl about six years old, "Caterina" who, like all the children of the time, grew and formed on the street. Just in the small alleys of Valmontone where he lived, Caterina had tightened a strong bond with Filomena, "the soreciara”- she who killed mice with a unique skill - and her nephew Alfonso. Many characters of the time narrated in a truly unique way. When you read the novel it seems to live the story directly. This is the magic that the author manages to convey to readers.

Many quotations in the Valmontone dialect, "oral" citations difficult to report in writing, underlined the author.

Caterina in the space of a whole year, growing to the rhythm of her hair will face important changes, becoming bigger and stronger, ready to face life.

The evening ended with a musical performance by master Pandolfo who performed three beautiful symphonies by Johann Sebastian Bach with the violin.


What to say! Congratulations to the author, Margherita Anselmi that in the novel, "Blond gold Gray mouse"She was able to paint with striking phrases and words that follow each other in a harmonious way as in a musical score, a beautiful painting that" impresses "a historical period very dear to Italians, the 60 years.  The hope is that Margherita Anselmi will hasten to write the second novel.

"Blond gold Gray mouse”Was published by Augh Editions of Viterbo.


In Gavignano the presentation of the novel "Biondo oro Grigio topo" by Margherita Anselmi