Nine dead and you are seriously injured, this is the balance of journalists involved in the double attack this morning in Kabul. The news was released by Reporters sans frontieres (Rsf) which confirms what was previously communicated by the Afghan Journalists Safety Committee (Ajsc).

The second explosion, according to RSF, had the press as a deliberate objective and is the most serious attack against the media in Afghanistan since the fall of the Taliban regime in 2001. This morning in Kabul a first attack on a checkpoint near a headquarters of the intelligence services claimed many civilian casualties. Then, when the reporters arrived on the scene, a second attack resulted in more deaths.

Among the victims, confirms RSF, there are the cameraman of Tolo Tv Yar Mohammad Tokhi, the journalists of Radio Free Europe Abadullah Hananzai, Maharram Durrani and Sabawoon Kakar, the reporter and operator of 1Tv Ghazi Rasooli and Nowroz Ali Rajabi, the photographer of the AFP Shah Marai, the journalist and the cameraman of Mashal Tv Salim Talash and Ali Salimi. According to RSF, among the six journalists who were seriously injured were Naser Hashemi of al-Jazeera, Omar Soltani of the Reuters agency, and colleagues Ahmadshah Azimi, Ayar Amar and Davod Ghisanai.

Afghanistan: double attack, at least 9 journalists killed and 6 seriously injured

| MONDO, PRP Channel |