Africa is a priority for Italy

Africa has assumed a prominence of absolute priority in Italian foreign policy. I met all the African Ambassadors on 25 May, to celebrate Africa Day with them, and I am very happy to find a large number of them today, together with the management of the Italian Geographic Society (SGI) ”. With these words, Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano welcomed the president of the SGI, Filippo Bencardino, to the Farnesina, accompanied by the president and director of the Center for Relations with Africa and, representing the African Ambassadors, diplomatic representatives from Angola, Cape Verde, Republic of the Congo and Guinea. The delegation - reports a note - explained to Minister Alfano the prospects for cooperation deriving from the recent conclusion of the agreement between the Geographic Society and the Group of African ambassadors in Italy. "The signing of your agreement demonstrates how much the commitment of civil society is in line with the strategic priority assigned by the Farnesina to Africa" ​​commented Alfano, who recalled that "collaboration in the security and migration sector, cooperation for inclusive and sustainable development and the promotion of investments are the three main guidelines of our policy in Africa, a policy that aims to bring the two continents ever closer, which in Italy find a natural bridge ”. Alfano then discussed with President Bencardino the possibilities of collaboration between the Geographic Society and the Farnesina, possibly associating specific actions with the "Italy-Africa Initiative" launched by Maeci in 2013 to develop and promote multi-sectoral projects of Italian-African cooperation. 
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Africa is a priority for Italy

| Culture, Economy, MONDO |