Agenda Sud, from MIM 12 million more for additional ATA contracts

Valditara: "The Ministry pays great attention to schools in Southern Italy"

The Ministry of Education and Merit has allocated 12 million euros for the year 2023 to schools in Southern Italy with the aim of strengthening the educational institutions of Southern Italy and reducing territorial gaps.

This investment represents a significant step forward to ensure the best functioning of school services.

Thanks to this intervention, the schools benefiting from the financial resources will have the possibility to contract additional ATA staff, from November 1st until the end of the year. In particular, each beneficiary school was given the possibility of having an additional unit of ATA staff (school collaborators or administrative and technical assistants). Based on a specific survey of the needs of educational institutions, the Ministry is in the process of assigning to each of them the resources for the contractualization of:

  • 355 administrative and technical assistants;
  • 1473 school collaborators.

“This allocation – declared the Minister of Education and Merit Giuseppe Valditara – represents a sign of strong attention to the educational institutions of Southern Italy. The measure, which adds to the more general possibility of activating additional staff for the needs related to the implementation of the PNRR, is part of the Southern Agenda project, aimed at reducing the gaps that penalize schools located in the areas of Southern Italy".

Agenda Sud, from MIM 12 million more for additional ATA contracts